Thoughts on Apple TV+ web design –
When I log into Apple TV+, the big banner is always about the current hit, like <Severance> season 2, rather than the one I unfinished watching. I know this is about campaign ... Read More...
When I log into Apple TV+, the big banner is always about the current hit, like <Severance> season 2, rather than the one I unfinished watching. I know this is about campaign ... Read More...
Still thinking about New Year’s Eve a couple years ago, same day, same time, watching live streaming from Time Square, with the purple color of Planet Fitness.
Crowds yelling in front of the camera, exuding happy feelings.
Me? I was ...
Questions source –
The questions highlighted are the ones making me think
其实我不知道今年应该起什么题目, 就像现在已经想不到去年的这个时候, 给2024年定下的雄心壮志. 于是特地去翻了一下去年年底的时候写下的年记, 发现其实当时并没有给今年定下一个主题.就像今年这一年过的一样, 没有一个主题, 然后一年就过去了.
于是我说, let me get prepared, 其实也对, 因为所有的事情, 都需要准备, 但是为了什么准备, 却不知道了. 很多时候, 为了准备一件事情, 准备着准备着, 反而把最重要的事情给忘了. 就像是前一阵子, 在忙活的把Azure SQL迁移到手机上去. 刚开始的时候, 其实是为了有机会展示一下, 自己用SQL写的ASCII Art, 在没有Linux服务器的时候, 照样能够运行, 可是one thing led to another, 就变成了root手机, 然后跳过Docker, 直接运行dockerized的程序.
在这个过程中, 只要是自己觉得不舒服的东西, ...
Recently, I am working on a pet project, the goal is to have an Azure SQL Edge docker running on an Android device
Below are the steps I have taken
For the past few days, I have been searching for alternatives to publish documents directly onto WordPress, it’s just because Microsoft Word removed the support for blog posts.
I have come up with different approaches, they all have some ... Read More...
I quit potato chips long time ago, below is my approach to stop taking that.
Which is harder? To resist my cravings for a bag of potato chips while the bag is just sitting there 15 ... Read More...
Leaning on the bed, knowing I have more important things to do, but I just could not stop scrolling, all the information I am getting from the feeds are basically useless, repetitive, and repeating useless. I knew it’s time to ... Read More...
不久前去了威尼斯, 趁着印象还深, 写点攻略.
这应该是一系列的文章, 主要用来记录用SQL画字符画, 以及自己对于SQL的理解. 内容可能也不仅仅是ASCII art,想到哪儿, 就写到哪儿.
很多年前就知道T-SQL是图灵完备的, 这就意味着SQL能做很多数据操作以外的事情, 不仅仅是select from table.
2021年逛到这个网站,, 看了代码, 有了用SQL画字符画的思路. ...